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Mailing Address

The mailingAddress payload records the account holder's physical mailing address details. This information is essential for ensuring accurate correspondence and meeting regulatory requirements that mandate a physical address.

Payload Structure with Validation Rules

Field NameTypeDescriptionValidationsValues Accepted
countryStringThe country of the mailing address.Required field with a valid 2-character country code.Countries
streetStringThe street address, including house number and street name.Required field without special characters.a-Z, 0-9, #, /
cityStringThe city of the mailing address.Required field without numeric or special characters.a-Z, #, /
stateProvinceStringThe state or province of the mailing address.Required field with a valid 2-character US state/province code.US States
postalCodeStringThe postal or ZIP code of the mailing address.Required field with a valid 5-digit US ZIP.Exact 5 digits

Any validation failure will trigger an error message and halt the Account Creation or Updation Process.

Error Scenarios

For any validation failures, refer Standard Errors and Account Related Errors.